about me
I live to build others up through music, media, and relationships.
I’m eager to tell important stories to challenge perspectives and change narratives. Based in Atlanta, I currently work at Reach Records managing digital strategy activations for releases, working with our DSP partners for pitching and in-house content delivery, and curating digital experiences for fans.
Originally from Grand Rapids, Michigan with a dual-major in Creativity & Innovation and Digital Media, I spent 7+ years working with multimedia and marketing campaigns for over 65+ different brands and companies, and brought those experiences into the music industry for digital campaigns for our artists now at Reach Records.
In short, I help artists and brands make the most of their online presence. To achieve it, my skills include branding, music marketing campaigns, email & SMS marketing, platform optimization (YouTube, SEO, Spotify, Facebook, websites, podcasts, etc), DDEX content delivery, metadata optimization, content monetization & rights, graphic design, video production, website development, and Shopify & Amazon Seller Central. In addition, I continue to pursuit with my multimedia production brand Griffin Media & Design.
My study abroad during undergrad brought new perspectives in how people across the world engage and consume media, and the nuance in culture that opened a passion for building bridges not only between fan and artist, but connecting ideas and people across the world through global optimization.
My hope is to continue to build bridges and be an advocate for media that meets humans where they are and builds them up to live for something greater than themselves. I will continue to be an advocate for connecting artists and fans alike to create experiences that will make an impact on their lifelong trajectory.

Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Premiere Pro
Apple Music for Artists
Basic Copyrighting
Branding & Design
Community (SMS Marketing)
DSLR Cameras
Design Thinking
Google AdSense
Google Business Tools
Google Workspace
Graphic Design
Lightroom CC
LinkedIn Optimization
Logic Pro X
Meta Business Suite
Microsoft Office Suite
Mirrorless Cameras
Music Distribution
Photo Editing
Spotify for Artists
VIdeo Production
Web Design
YouTube Optimization
YouTube Content Management

cornerstone university
Creativity & Innovation, Bachelor of Arts
Digital Media, Bachelor of Arts

Music Business
Principles of Story
Innovative Thought & Design
Writing for Media
Graphic Design I, II, & III
Marketing Communications
Social Media

Advanced Audio Studio
Graphic Design I, II, & III
Film Production I, II, & III
Audio Production I & II
Digital Photography
Live Audio Production